Almost 25 years ago, as the current ND56 Newsletter was "born", and again when ND56 went online, we hoped to get into some real nostalgic memories that we shared some 50 years ago.

ND52-56 NOSTALGIA is presented for your enjoyment.

In addition to unlimited memories generated from the presentation of our 1952 Freshman Directory, photos from those years at that special place in northern Indiana are featured.

Phil White kicked off the photo docs with some unbelievable scenes from Lyons Hall in 1954.

My (virtually disintegrating) photo album gave birth to wonderful memories from campus each year, and within such memorable dorm habitats as Zahm, Badin, Howard, Walsh, Fisher...

The pictures are in "decks" --- with each photo sequenced about seven seconds. YOUR pictures (with best possible identificaton) will be appreciated and added to the link as received.

Please send photos to Dick Yeager, PO Box 512, Penney Farms, FL 32079-0512.

Please be certain that the photos are secure; they will be returned as quickly as possible. Please look in the old albums and send them on to share with those in your life
-- 50 Years Ago!
John F. Manion

2001 Mini-Reunion in Westport
We Remember the Mini-Reunion held in Westport CT at noon Dec. 27 2001. Seems tho I was with son, Kevin and family
who resided there in suburban New York. On that wintry day, our ND56 men came from CT, NY, NJ, MD:
Mike Carr, Jay Madigan, Bob McKenty, Jim Hurley, Dave Clark, Bill Boraczek,Barney DelBello, Jim Flanagan, Ed Barrett,
Leo Sandmann, Dick Carrolll, Ken Donadio. Tom Falcinelli and his guest, Dr. Bill Bellis (who passed away in Munich Germany February 2018.
Prime subject of conversation was the happening of 3 months prior: 9/11.

left to right: Dr, Bill Bellis, Ken Donadio, Bob McKenty

Notre Dame Days

A Writer's Diary Of A Year On Campus

January 07, 1996|By Reviewed by Richard Ciccone, Tribune associate editor and Notre Dame

"A Year at Notre Dame" By Kevin Coyne, Viking, 329 pages, $23.95

Nearly four decades ago the paranoia of Notre Dame freshmen was fed by upperclassmen with horror stories of life under the Golden Dome. For newcomers to Zahm Hall, the specter most feared was the "Sneakin' Deacon," a sobriquet given to the Rev. Paul Fryberger, a stern rector who supposedly wore one black brogue and one tennis shoe so that when he raced through the halls catching sinners everyone thought he was walking.

No one, of course, ever saw this apparition of mixed attire, but Fryberger in fact did have some idiosyncrasies. Any Zahm Hall resident caught walking on the grass outside his preserve was assigned to the "Galloping Gaels," a group that met for one week at 6 a.m. outside the first floor chapel. Once gathered, it was not required that anyone attend mass, but under Fryberger's grim greeting, everyone felt it was a wise, if not necessarily devout, choice. Also assembled were the appropriately named "Dawn Rangers," who had transgressed by running (a seemingly normal choice when late to class) up or down Fryberger's stairways.

There were also surprise visits to rooms in the evening when, while making his rounds, the good father heard a bit of profanity coming from behind the closed doors. There were no cryptic names assigned to those unfortunates given to four-letter utterances, but there was the requisite lecture on the state of one's soul and the unlikely prospects of succeeding in any English class requiring proper vocabulary. Again, the wise freshman sat in the first pew of the chapel the next morning at Fryberger's daily mass, and the extremely vulgar got there early enough to serve mass.

Notre Dame has changed in the four succeeding decades. Nearly half the student body is female, the fathers of the Holy Cross (C.S.C.) are only a smattering of the faculty, which includes many non-Catholics, and the Rev. Theodore Hesburgh is no longer its president, merely its resident legend.

But many things have not changed. Notre Dame students still are prevailed upon to equate sex with marriage and illegal drinking with punishment, and there are constant reminders that the Catholicity of the institution implicitly demands an awareness that their talents, their knowledge in some way be spent on helping mankind.

Writer Kevin Coyne spent the 1992-93 school year mingling with students, faculty, coaches and administrators to create the portrait of the modern Notre Dame he shows us in "Domers," a pleasant peek into an institution existing with all the myth of its 150 years, its role as an American icon of the Catholic Church and its constant struggle to achieve total academic freedom within the restrictions of the spirituality that symbolizes it from the tip of the Golden Dome.



Four shots of Larry Withum with his wife, and friends on our ND56 commencement weekend.
Larry died 5/14/15; his daughter Diane Masters.. ‘93 found these photos to share with his family and friends.


Last week, Sam had a nostalgia attack and was sorting through his Frank Leahy memories….
From the unending group, he shares these two of his favorites.


(JUAN "Johnny" PACHECO wrote this letter to Fr. Ted Hesburgh during REUNION 2011, and suggested that it be appropriate for this ND52-56 Nostalgia Link on www.ND56.org

Dear Father Ted,
In August 1952, a 15-year old young man, --me--, arrived at Notre Dame after a long journey by plane and train from the Dominican Republic. That same Summer, I had brushed up my English with great help from Sister Mary Philips, O.P., of Adrian, Michigan, Superior of the Dominican nuns who ran the “Colegio Santo Domingo”. She insisted with my parents that “no, no, Johnny must go to Notre Dame”, when told that I had already being accepted by McGill University in Montreal. I had just finished High School at La Salle, number one of the class and Valedictorian. And so off I went to Notre Dame, with the very dear and good Sister in charge of all the very late last minute admission arrangements.

That first semester included History of US to 1865, and I thought, great, at last I will learn all about Washington and Lincoln. But no, we were all supposed to already know everything about Washington and Lincoln, and at University level, we were being taught what went on behind the scenes, the political and philosophical circumstances surrounding the situations. I barely made it with a 71%.

I spoke with Dr. Vincent P. DeSantis about the problem. My point was that foreign students could not handle American History at University level, not having being exposed to American History at the Primary and Secondary levels. He agreed, postponing indefinitely for me Hist 022. During the next two years we worked hard on changing the curricula, so as to make available to foreign students their own histories at University level, plus American history. My next time around, the Summer of 1954, I did much better with an 80%. But of course, that 71% prevented me from achieving a cum laude average, ending up with an overall 84.46%.

Dr. DeSantis was a gentleman professor. Courteous, correct, very open and young minded. Never thought he could be 20 years my senior.

He was indeed all the time on the side of the angels, as you Fr. Ted so rightly affirm. His loss is a great loss to all.

During this weekend, my Class is celebrating our 55th Reunion, and tomorrow God willing you will be dining with them. Please give them all my very best regards, and wish I were there!
¡Reciba un fuerte abrazo!
Ever devotedly yours in Notre Dame,
Juan Rafael Pacheco ’56.
Ministerio Casa de Luz (Jn 8, 12)
Santiago, República Dominicana
Teléfono 809-841-4721


Click on the picture of Gordon receiving his doctorate to see his collection of pictures.

DAVE AUSTGEN's son, David sent these photos for ND52-56 Nostalgia; he notes:

We are hanging in there ok. Dad's a trooper. I hope he hears from some of his old buddies from the Class of 56.
(1401 Soldier Field; Apt 105; Sugarland, TX 77479; it's a full-care facility).

I found some old photo's that look like they are from dad's days at ND. You might recognize some old classmates.
Click on the picture of Dave in Baden for more of the pictures David sent.

We've kept the Irish tradition going in our family. My brother and I both went to ND (I graduated 25 years after dad). I now have two daughters there.
We went to the Stanford game a few weeks back. It was a disappointing outcome, but we had great fun seeing the girls, tail-gating, visiting with my father's brother/my uncle (Father Bob), who's been at ND for 50 years, and spending money at the book store. It's really a great place to return.


In 2010, Bill Stotzer was sitting at home in Sterling, IL --
thinking about the good ole days -- long ago at that special place in Northern Indiana.
Click on Bill's ND ID for more pictures.


I found these photos in an old box. They might draw a few laughs from those contained therein. Some are no longer with us. THE Men of Lyons Hall are shown in 1954 -- in front of the Rockne Memorial, next to Lyons.

The second photo of four is Dave Collins, Jack Patz, Pete Cannon, Tom Caplet. We were bartenders at a senior prom. We were juniors. At LaFortune Student Ctr, 1955
Pete Cannon


Instead of pictures, you are invited to share with your Classmates -- and perhaps the world --
some very special things that you will never forget about your days on campus of that very special place in northern Indiana between 1952 and 1956.

WHO, WHAT, WHERE won't you ever forget -- and WHY?
Something YOU did or experienced;
or a special event that holds steadfast you your memory. Please send to me tody (so you won't forget): johndomer56@dc.rr.com.
Of course, include a picture if you have one, but your description will tell the story...
John Manion, ND56 Class Secretary.

Click on one of the following names to read their remembrances
John Sowa


Introductory Note: Late on September 12, 1953, a young man of 20 arrived for the first time in South Bend after a long drive with his parents from their small town in Western Missouri. He had graduated three months earlier from Wentworth Military Academy in his hometown and would now continue his education at Notre Dame.

Click on the bird at the mail box to read passages from the daily journal he wrote for his family, selected fifty years later by John A. (Jack) Gueguen, Jr.

Click on the picture of the Directory to start your searching. Freshman Directory

Bob Simkins was gracious enough to give us a copy of the Student Directory for 1952-1953 that he had saved over the years.
That of course was the Freshman year for the class of 1956. We thought it would be fun to extract the information for all those people who had a class year of "1" (Freshman) by their name.
Then we sorted it four different ways.
If you are curious about someone from a particular city you can use the list sorted by
"State, City and Last Name".
If you just want to look up a name use the "Last Name, First Name" list.
There is a list titled "Dorm, Room and Name" which can tell you just who lived on the same dorm floor (or off campus) as you did.
And finally we included a list of "College, Last Name".
If we missed making a list you would like to see please send me an Email.
Now go click on the picture of the directory to give it a try.
I hope this brings joy to someone.
Dick Yeager

The Girls of Autumn

By Sheila Sullivan McIntyre

They came from Rosary, Barat, Mundelein, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and a dozen other "satellite" women's colleges scattered throughout the country. In the 1940s, '50s and '60s, they were the daughters, sisters, cousins, childhood friends and high school sweethearts of Notre Dame men. For many of them, family tradition made them yearn to be students there in their own right. I was one of those girls. In the days before co-education, our loafers and saddle shoes trod dutifully on our own campuses, but our hearts belonged to Notre Dame. The Irish had an expression that explained our situation beautifully. We had to "take it out in wantin'."

Sometimes on prom weekends, our dates were allowed to take us to class with them. I was fortunate to be able to attend the well-known writer Frank O'Malley's class on the "Modern American Novel" (or something like that). Because literature was my passion, I remember being absolutely mesmerized by his lecture and thinking as I sat there, "This is what college should be like."

Unlike our "sisters" at Saint Mary's just across the Dixie Highway, distance dictated that we travel to get to this special place. And travel we did. To the football games and victory dances, to the Freshman Frolic, the Sophomore Cotillion, the Junior Prom and the Senior Ball. In between we fitted in the Mardi Gras and the Military Ball. Notre Damers (the term "Domers" had yet to be coined) returned the favor, coming to our colleges for dances and special weekends. Blind dates were the norm. Lots of them fizzled but many blossomed into engagements and marriages.

A 1959 graduate of Rosary recalled that although she knew little about Notre Dame before she arrived in River Forest, Illinois, it didn't take long to realize that South Bend was the place to be on football weekends. Thanks to one of her classmates, who had a friend at Notre Dame willing to fix the Rosary girls up with blind dates, her social life was launched. "We usually took the train up from Chicago and stayed at the Morris Inn. The weekends were always exciting. The nuns never went with us, but we were ladies all the time. Just being on the campus was a thrill. We all swooned over Paul Hornung and all wanted to have a date with him, but he was always taken." She remembered especially the Senior Ball in 1959. "I had an absolutely gorgeous yellow embroidered organza evening gown. When I walked over the bridge that led into the ballroom on my date's arm and the band played 'Man with a Golden Arm,' I thought 'My God, I'm in heaven!'"

My own experiences as a student at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods from 1953 to '57 were similar to my Rosary friend's. In those days of innocence, as we both remembered, singing was an integral part of every weekend. "Man, Man, Is for the Woman Made" and "A Man Without a Woman Is Like a Ship Without a Sail" were great favorites. The group of ND students that my friends and I knew best, thanks to the high school sweetheart of one of our classmates, were in the class of 1955 and lived in Sorin Hall and later in Walsh. The pre-game jazz concerts on Sorin's porch were terrific. I particulary loved seeing those halls with their high-ceilinged rooms because they were my father's halls, back in the 1920s. Before one weekend, my dad told me to look up one of the "bachelor dons," Paul Fenlon, who still lived in one of the Sorin towers. I went up to his room, and he entertained me for an hour, going through old yearbooks and reminiscing about my dad's college days.

The 200-mile taxi ride

Since there were no trains in Indiana running directly from Terre Haute to South Bend (a 200-mile trip), we had to be more creative than the Rosary students. Once in a while our college would charter a bus, but as a rule my group of six hired a taxi. Yup, a taxi. After our freshman year, we had our own driver, a Mr. Winthrop, whom we called "Windy." Windy had been bequeathed to us by a group of graduating seniors, and for three years he was our man on the spot. On Friday afternoons (we would cut as many classes as we could in order to get to South Bend in time for the pep rally), we would load up the trunk of the car and head out. By the time we got to South Bend, we'd be nearly asphyxiated because something was wrong with the exhaust and we had to keep the windows open to keep from perishing. Windy would drop us off and then hang around South Bend with some pals until it was time to make the return drive on Sunday afternoon. All for $11 each, round trip. Our usual ports of call were the Oliver and LaSalle hotels or Mrs. O'Neill's boarding house on Notre Dame Avenue.

Only once was I lucky enough to stay at the Morris Inn. That was Senior Ball weekend in 1955, and I had a date who apparently had some pull in the accommodations arena. If we had a special date for the weekend, he usually paid for our room. If it was to be a blind date (and that was more common) we paid for our own. Because the hotels doubled their rates on football weekends, from $8 a night to $16, we would sleep eight girls to a room -- four on the mattress on the floor and four on the box springs. For a grand total of $4 apiece.

The program for the football weekends rarely varied. On Friday night there would be a pep rally in the old fieldhouse. One unforgettable evening my freshman year -- Frank Leahy's last season as coach -- a sustained roar went up from the crowd that lasted for more than 30 minutes. Pretty heady stuff for a 17-year-old small town Iowa girl. Afterward our dates would take us out for pizza or to some dive -- I remember one really crummy place called "The Rio" up in Michigan. I didn't drink back then, but that night we were with a bunch of boys from Chicago who were light years ahead of us in sophistication and liked their nips. It was a long evening!

On game day we dressed up -- suits and heels and, sometimes, hats. How on earth we managed to walk all over the campus in three-inch heels is a mystery to me today. Heel spurs were not uncommon. Then it was off to the stadium. If our dates didn't have extra tickets for us, one of the dads usually came through. The color and excitement of the crowd, the band and the game itself remains as vivid to me now as it was back then. Afterward at the Victory Dance we danced the night away -- or at least part of the night, because the boys had to be in at 12:30. If we happened to be staying at the Oliver, there was a "Touchdown Bar" after the game that went on until the wee hours, and at 12:30 the students who lived off-campus began roaming the halls looking for "late dates." We were usually too tired to go out again but hope always burned eternal.

Sunday mornings meant the beautiful Mass at Sacred Heart and, if we'd not gotten there before, a trip to the Grotto. Then it was time to head back to school. If the date had been a good one, letters would fly back and forth between our campuses. We loved it when we found a letter in our mailbox with the ND monogram on the envelope. Probably the most anticipated pieces of mail were the thick, creamy envelopes that signaled an invitation to one of the big class dances.

A night at the prom

Those prom weekends were magical. Everything was planned to perfection. We still wore long ball gowns with hoop skirts, often elbow-length white kid gloves. Our dates were resplendent in their tuxedos. Big bands played at the dances -- I particularly remember Ralph Flanagan and Ralph Marterie. Senior Ball meant a trip to the Michigan dunes on Sunday for a picnic after the Communion Breakfast. Father Hesburgh spoke at those breakfasts, and his talks were memorable.

One of the funniest times I ever had was during a Military Ball weekend with a fellow from Florida that I'd been dating. He invited me up for the dance, but there was one hitch. He and the Navy ROTC had parted company some time before. However, his identical twin brother was still a member in good standing. So my date went as his brother, resplendent in his borrowed Naval braid. Unfortunately, he was terrified that the "Brass" would find him out, so we spent most of the evening cowering in corners and dodging behind potted palms in the new Stepan Center.

That particular weekend was just after Thanksgiving (if memory serves me right) and I had spent the holiday in Chicago with cousins. I had purchased my train ticket to South Bend a couple of days before and spent a bit of time window shopping in the Loop before catching the South Shore. I took a taxi from the train station to Mrs. O'Neill's, where my date was waiting for me. When I reached into my shoulder bag to pay the driver, I found that my wallet had been picked clean and I hadn't a cent to my name. The weekend turned out to be a little more expensive for my friend than he had planned.

The ND students also loved coming down to "The Woods" for prom weekends because the nuns rolled out the red carpet for them. Boys came from many college campuses and the nuns were lovely to all of them, but the Notre Dame students were their (and our) favorites. The group I mentioned before from the class of 1955 (the Sorin and Walsh gang ) had an old 1940 Nash called the "Grey Ghost" that they kept hidden off campus. I hate to think how many of us piled into that wreck to go on the picnics that preceded our proms and balls. Some of my friends and I were so impressed with the idea of "wheels" (we weren't allowed to have cars either) that we surreptitiously tried to buy a hearse to transport us in style. However one of our conversations was overheard by the powers that be and the idea died aborning. On Sunday mornings after high Mass, buses would take us to a benefactor's beautiful estate for a tea dance, and then the boys would head back to school. If things had gone well, the letters would begin again.

Dad's weekends at The Woods were mini Notre Dame reunions. The classes of the mid-1920s were represented by my dad, Wade Sullivan; Judge Howard from Indianapolis; and Don Miller of Four Horseman fame. I think they spent more time at the Woodland Inn rehashing the glory days under Rockne than at any planned events.

For those of us who were steeped in the traditions of Notre Dame in the years before girls could enroll, memories of those long ago proms and autumn weekends in South Bend are the loveliest of our college days. As it sometimes does, life often came full circle in succeeding generations. Mine happened on a beautiful afternoon in May of 1996, when I saw my daughter receive her degree from the university that I had loved from afar -- exactly 70 years to the day after her grandfather graduated.

Notre Dame Magazine on-line edition, April 2007
Bob "Tips" Guthrie found this in his drawer from 50+ years ago.. The blond guy holding the lower right corner of the flag is Mark Burns..

Pictures from the June 1956 South Bend Tribune

BOB DUNNEGAN supplies pictures of campus life.
In the Fall of 1952 Bob Dunnegan's mother was busy packing his belongings for his change of residence from 509 N. Marion St., Ebensburg, PA to 217 Breen Philips, Notre Dame.
Click on the picture of Mom Dunegan to view all the pictures.

BOB MILLER and PAT OGREN doing Junior year at the University of Vienna.
Click on the picture to view all the pictures.

J. Pat Ogren sends these pictures of campus life.
Click on the picture to view all the pictures.

Al Parillo sends these nineteen pictures of campus life.
Click on the picture to view all nineteen pictures.

Sid Wilkin sends these pictures of campus life.
Click on the picture to view all twenty four pictures.

J. Pat Ogren sends these pictures of campus life.
Click on the picture to view all nine pictures.

Marie (Mrs. Dan) Quigley asked her son, Chris (ND'87), to share this timely picture with us as we celebrate our Golden Anniversary Reunion on Campus, June 1-4, 2006.
L-R Jerry Lapeyre, Mike Mooney, Dan Quigley, Tony Castorina, Al Vitt (RIP), Frank Tighe, Phil White, Bob Carrane, Paul Noland

Quarterback Bill Jackman supplies this picture from St. Eds, 1952

Three pictures of campus life in '52 to '56 supplied by a friend of Lou Malandra
Click on the picture to view all three pictures.
Downtown South Bend parade with the Irish band
Prayer time at the grotto
The main building in 50's black and white.

Two pictures taken by Joe Cline in 1952, Freshman Year on the third floor of Farley Hall.
Click on the picture to view both pictures.
1952 Mark Burns
1952 John Foy, ???, Charley Penna, ???, Mark Burns

8 pictures taken by Joe Cline in 1956
Click on the picture to view all eight pictures.
Mike Mulrooney, Gene Brennan, Joe O'Connor, ???
Bill Lafond, Joe Scheibel, Don Costello, Charley Penna, Mark Burns
Charley Penna, Don Costello
Chet Mitchell, ???, ??? Is that Charley Milligan in the middle?
Don Costello, Mark Burns, Joe Scheibel
Chet Mitchell, Mark Burns, ???, Joe O'Connor, Joe Scheibel, Don Cleary
Joe Scheibel, Bill Lafond, Charley Penna, Mark Burns, Don Costello
Don Costello, Bill Lafond, Joe Scheibel, Mark Burns, Charley Penna

St. Eds 4th Floor, June 1953

It was the final night of Freshman year.
Front row has Dick Yeager with his arm around Dorothy Collins (Your Hit Parade, sponsored by Lucky Strike). Terry Noll on the floor. Jim Herbaugh with Don George's hand on his head, Al Bustamante and John "Buz" Buzzone with the NROTC hat.
Second row, Jerry Merz with Tom Bott displaying his ND jacket.
Back row, Dick Washington (in the shadows), Jim Kearney, Kerry McDonnell, King Bradtke and Don George.

take a break from their Freshman Farley dorm room (319) to enjoy an early ND Spring day in March, 1953...

There has to be more to this story!

Click on the picture to view all six pictures.
The Notre Dame student chapter of ASCE met in January 1956 with faculty members Sampsoin, Colupaila, Shilts, McCarthy and Plummer.
The speaker was Mr. Cooper of Indiana Hwy. Dept
Mr Corbetti was District Director of ASCE.
Classmates shown are John Massman, Dick Brown,
Dick Meagher, Dick Jacob and Jim Sasso.
Photos courtesty of J. Massman.


As we approach our 50th Class Reunion, I have given some thought to turning over to the University Archives many items very close to my heart that I have kept throughout all these years, and which form part of the precious years that I spent at Notre Dame, without any doubt the happiest of my life.

Click on the picture to see pictures of the Pacheco Family Send off from Cuidad Trujillo; Registration, Moving in, Meet Jim Hyer..

Click on the picture to see pictures of the LAS RAZAS CLUB dinner and Juan's birthday (16)

Click on the pictures to see Juan Pacheco and friends at ND '52-3 including Benjamin Paiewonsky,Jerry Anderson, Joe Bill, Paul Reynolds and Al Vitt, and a group of Latino amigos.

When I arrived at Notre Dame in September of l952 I was only 15 years old… Why Notre Dame? I wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps and become a lawyer, but if I had studied Law right out of high-school, I would have graduated at 20… and would not have been able to practice Law, being as I would have been minor of age… Thus, I applied at McGill University in Quebec, with the intention of spending a couple of years there and brush up on my French, very important at the time to Dominican lawyers. My sister, two years my senior, was to attend Siena Heights College of the Dominican Sisters in Adrian, Michigan –at the time they were also in charge of “Colegio Santo Domingo” in then Ciudad Trujillo- and Sister Mary Philips, the Principal, upon hearing of my intention of to go to McGill said: “Öh no, Johnny is going to Notre Dame!”. Said and done. No later than sooner, I went to South Bend.

Click on the pictures to see Juan Pacheco in lots of weather in Michiana, and the Fighting Irish Mascot Mike. Reinaldo Paniagua enjoys the snow with Juan.

The boy that I was, 5’4” or perhaps 5’5”, quite chubby, can be seen in my first photo album, -one for each year-, the very first day at Notre Dame, making the Registration Line… and throughout those four years become a man of sound character and firm Christian principles.

Instead of the planned two years of studies, I remained for all four at Notre Dame. Father William F. Cunningham “adopted” me at the start of the Second Semester of Freshman Year and kept me as his Student Secretary until I completed all the required credits in January of 1956, a full semester ahead of time, with a final average of almost 85%, even though I hardly spoke English when I arrived there three and a half years earlier.

1954 Juan Pacheco and ND56 Latinos

I had active participation in the “Club de la Raza” and was Chairman of an Inter-Regional Conference of Inter-American Students which we organized at Notre Dame and which was attended by over 500 delegates from various Catholic schools in the States. The Rotary Club of South Bend, the Ladies Auxiliary Club of Benton Harbor, MI and others invited me at various times to be their speaker at their activities. I also participated in programs at WNDU, and even served as translator for the Mexican chicanos at the Court in South Bend… quite an experience!

While at Notre Dame, I was instrumental in having the mural at the lobby of the College of Commerce corrected, since the island of Santo Domingo had “Haiti” painted all over it disregarding the fact that two different countries occupy it, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. It took a lot of doing, but I finally had it done.

Also, my experience with “History of the United States I” in my very first Freshman Semester –I barely made with a 71%, my lowest grade ever at Notre Dame -- convinced me that it was not appropriate for a foreign student to be required to take American history at the University level, the whys and the why-nots, without not even knowing what the Boston Tea Party was all about… I postponed US History II until, a few semesters later, I was able to have the University change the requirement and allow Latin American students to delve deeper into Bolivar, San Martin et al. instead of the previously required course.

Juan helped organize the NFCCS TriRegional Conference on Inter-American Action, Apil 19, 1953. He also arranged for the ND Library to have an exhibit representing the Dominican Republic.

In 1954, Juan visited Washington, DC. He visited the White House and FBI before heading home to D.R. He helped arrange a visit of Santiago U. Baseball to ND for two games in 1954.

In February 1953, having noticed how few volumes the University Library had on the Dominican Republic, I was able to obtain a donation of books from the University of Santo Domingo, and presented it to the Head Librarian, Mr. Schaeffer, who had the books on exhibition for some time in the lobby of the Library.

As the Summer of 1954 approached, I heard that the University of Santo Domingo’s baseball team had been invited by some American universities in the East to play some exhibition games. Off I went to see “Moose” Krause, our Athletic Director, who agreed to invite the Dominican boys over for some games with Notre Dame’s team. In the pictures, Father Cunningham appears, appropriately garbed in his cassock and hat, enjoying the games in the Summer sun and heat…

I have the sweetest of memories of our very own Notre Dame President Father Ted, who started his tenure the very same year we started school. Father Joyce, Father Sheedy, Father Fryberger -my Rector at Zahm Hall- , Father Bob (“Hollywood Bob”) Lochner, and the terrible Father McCarragher, and Father Malik, the austere Dominican Lebanese Orthodox priest who went all around campus in sandals in the middle of Winter and whose brother we understood was the Premier of Lebanon at that time; Professor Raymond Kent, my dear and very close Finance Professor, whose textbook, Money and Banking, he so graciously autographed for me; Dean Dincolo; Professor Viger –who just passed away, and who gave us wonderful lessons of every day business practice while teaching us Insurance; Professor Murphy, misty-eyed and sweet; Monsieur Coty my French Professor, tall, elegant and academic, quite proper, very correct, always pinching me on what my grandmother would say –she had lived in France for some years while my mother was in school there- if she saw how poorly I did some times in some of his pop quizzes… And my friends Walter Langford and Fred Pike and his wife “Pachita”, and Sam Adelo…

Special mention of Father Cunningham. As his secretary, I had the privilege of working with him while he wrote “The Pivotal Problems of Education”, laboriously cutting the stencils one by one and organizing and keeping organized his office while the sweet smell of his pipe’s cherry tobacco impregnated his office in the second floor of the Main Building, as you went upstairs to the left.

And Father Pelton, my friend. A true and dear friend from the very start, Father Cunningham’s heir. At the time of our graduation, my prize pictures are with Father Cunningham and Father Pelton. From there on, hardly a year has passed by without corresponding with Father Pelton at least by Christmas time. On several occasions he has visited with me in Santo Domingo and stayed in my home, the last time in 1992 at the time of the Fifth Centennial and the Latin American Bishops’ Fourth Conference, which was attended by the Pope.

And my friends, my classmates, the Latinos, like my buddy-buddy Carlos Chambonnet, “Manolo” Villazon, “Manolo”de Oyarzabal, Freddy “el Chaparro” Teran, “el Chato”Lopez, Fernando Aranguren, “Lucho” Matte, Julio Vizcarrondo, Reynaldo Paniagua, Frank Olazabal, Maurice Pierson, “el Paisa” Villegas, Jaime Saenz and his guitar, Eduardo Santos, Gonzalo Calderon, Galo Serrano, Eduardo Santos, “los Cabuses” from Panama, Luis and Alberto, “el Freshman” Gaby Tejeiro, “Edo” Dominguez, Enrique Sol, Valentin Gazzani, the Nicaraguans with Adolfo Calero and the Chamorros and “Chepe Chu” Reyes-Somoza and “el Flaco” Pallais and Ivan Osorio, and the gringos, my Freshman year roommate Pat Purcell, Jeannot Chomeau, John Manion, Sil Resciniti, Joe Bill, Al Vitt, Jim Hyer, Paul Reynolds, Gordon Direnzo, Tom Falcinelli, Armand Rigaux, Dave Houk, the Devereauxs, Jerry Gatto and Jerry Anderson, Vince Falzarano, the McNamara twins and etc. and etc. and etc. And the Latin American girls at St. Mary’s, Irene Peyre, Magdalena Rosas, Esther Garcia de Paredes, Olga Saer…

Many many other memories come afloat but this was not supposed to be a memoir but only a letter to let you know that I have letters from Father Cunningham, Father Hesburgh, Father Pelton… memorabilia, Domes, articles, books, souvenirs of our trip to Washington in January 1953 with Professor Bartholomew, a few days prior to Ike’s Inaugural, when we visited with the likes of Vice President Nixon, Senator Taft, Walter Trohan of the Chicago Tribune, Lou Nichols of the FBI, the Supreme Court Justices and just about anyone who was anybody at the time in Washington, D.C., and that I even have two bronze figurines that our Belgian maid at Zahm, my very very dear Julie, the one who every day arranged our beds and cleaned our rooms and washed my socks so as not to send them to the University laundry and made me hot lemon tea when I had a cold, well, the figurines that she brought back for me from Belgium when she was able to make it home that Summer of 53 after I don’t know how many years away from her family… And Jenny at the Bookstore… and the deluxe accommodations at brand new Fisher Hall for my Senior semester!

It would really take much more time and effort on my part to squeeze out of me the bundle of thoughts that are still in my head, although I wouldn’t really know if that would be worthwhile.

Would the University Archives be interested in preserving these bits of history of a Dominican student’s passage through Notre Dame?

Please excuse me for the length of this email… I promise you that the next one won’t be half as long.

Cordially yours in Notre Dame,
Juan Rafael Pacheco ‘56

Click on the picture to view the full size picture.
top row, L/R Paul Berrettini, Jim Jenks, Tom O'Brien
3rd row, L/R Bernard Kosse, Jim Eusterman, Don Magner
2nd row, L/R Fred Miller, Dick Bartsch, John Smith, Bob Gulde
front, L/R Ken Andre, Jim Dickenson, Joe Kalbas,John Nevin

RENO MASINI sent these pictures of Fifth Year Architects Goofing off in Fisher Hall, 1956
Click on the picture to view all three full size pictures.
1) John (Jake) Dyon, Jim Burlage, (?), Ed Koester, Ed Kelly
2) Dave Foran, Bob Linn, Felix Tardio, Phil Bradtke, Jim Burlage, (?), Dick Schmidt, David Billmeyer.
3) Reno Masini, (?). Felix Tardio

Don Rieger sends these pictures he took during our 4 years at ND
Click on the picture to view all seven full size pictures.
1) The Goldem Dome in the Fall
2) Don and Ken Fromme by the lake
3) Paul Renstrom's wedding after graduation
Paul, Al Reichert, Bill Costa, Dick Moran and Robert Fisher
4) John Goedecke tries out his Glee Club attire assisted by Ken Fromme
5) Jerry Lapeyre and friends - St. Ed's hall
6) Robert Fisher, junior year
7) ROTC drill team 1953

More pictures from Don Rieger
Click on the picture to view all seven full size pictures.
1-5) St. Ed's Football 1952
6-7) St. Ed's Marching Band 1953

More pictures from Don Rieger
Click on the picture to view all five full size pictures.
1-4) Life in St. Ed's
5) Tom Leahy fixing hat

Don Rieger sends more
Click on the picture to view all five full size pictures.
1) Robert Fisher, Dillion, Junior year
2) Loading up the cars at year end
3) Paul Renstrom, junior year in Dillon
4) Father John Riedy, Nancy Langenbaum and Paul Renstrom their engagement party
5) Sophomore year

Don Rieger winds up with these pictures
Click on the picture to view all four full size pictures.
1) Winter on campus
2) The bus to town: the Circle
3-4) Tennis team practice

BARNEY DEL BELLO shares pictures taken in 4th floor hall of B-P, 1953

The years, eyesight, and memory need help; we can recognize some, but maybe you can let us know:
Click on either picture to view them full size.

Hank Dixon, James Casey, Mike Horne, Paul Ineich, Barney DelBello, Bub Ruhl, John Curran, Paul Berezny, Ken Davis, Jim McIntosh, Bob McDonald, Bro. Conan Moran, CSC, and Phil Cenedella

TOP: Jim McIntosh, Tom Blubaugh, John Curran, Barney DelBello; prone: Tim Murphy.
LOWER: Ron Bell, Paul Ineich, Jim Flanagan, George Dailey, Mike Horne, Paul Berezny

1954 Scenes from Lyons Hall
Click on the picture to view all seven full size pictures.

Zahm Hall '52-'53
Click on the picture to view all six full size pictures.
1)Denny Donegan and Walt Gill
2)Duke Wachendorf, Gene Flowers and Brent Stuerwald
3)Frank Cicciarelli
4)Homecoming (Oklahoma)
5)Bob Jastrab reads to Jim McLaughlin, Don Carlin, Scotty Lewis
6)Pete and Jim at home in Zahm

Zahm Hall '52-'53
Click on the picture to view all six full size pictures.
1)Denny Donegan, Walt Gill and Mike Dougherty
2)Denny Donegan amd Walt Gill
3)Fred Lyons and Mike Dougherty
4)Mike Dougherty, Denny Donegan, Bob Fisher, Walt Gill, Gene Kapish and Jere Lloyf
5)Mike Doughery, Walt Gill and Jere Lloyd
6)Rog Wachendorf and Paul Reynolds

Home and Campus '52-'53
Click on the picture to view all three full size pictures.
1)George Wilson, Tom Murphy, John Manion, Paul Berrettini, Bill Arnold and Larry Wahl waiting for the train
2)Jim Flaherty, Juan Noriega, Vince Falzarano, MR. ART FENNER and Luke Brennan
3)John Manion's Life in 3 cards

Soph '53-54 Campus Life
Click on the picture to view all seven full size pictures.
1)Badin Bog Ball
2)Chariot Race
3)Econ 101 Ken Andre and John Manion
4)NROTC Jim Massey, Jack Moore, Gene Gordon & Jerry Massey
5)Science Library - Don Carlin, Mr. F. Long
6)Swan on St. Mary's Lake
7)Winter '53-54

1953-54 Rock River Valley, (IL) Club
Click on the picture to the full size picture.

Soph '53-54 Howard Hall
1)Bob Simkins
2)Bob Colzani, Felix Tardio, Jim Burlage, Patsy Bisceglia, Ed Koester, Minnie Mavraides, Bob Simkins
3)Ed Koester
4)Jerry Massey, Gene Gordon, Jim Massey, Freddie Miller
5)Otto Laible
6)Mike McDonald, Pete Kerwin, Pete Conley

Home and Campus 53-54
1)Bartsch Family, Aurora
2)Henry Dixon escorts Adlai Stevenson
3)Jim Massey and Frank Boos receive ROTC honors
4)Tom Reedy, Mr. and Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, Al DeCrane

1)Dave Austgen, Rich Meinert, Tom Bott, Jim Herbaugh
2)Bob Keegan at work
3)Dave Austgen posing
4)Dick Yeager, Webmaster-to-be
5)Badin Hall Homecoming - VS MSU
6)Carl Eiglesbach counting
7)Dick Yeager

1) Ed Gilbert checks Paul Berrettini
2) John Brogan
3) John Manion
4) Three Up: Leo Linbeck, Jim Eustermann, Jerry Sweeney
5) Top Heavy: Leo Linbeck, Dave Lockwood, Charlie Ollinger, Jim Eustermann, Bill Markley, Jerry Sweeney
6) Building Badin Hall Homecoming Display on 4th Floor Bob Morches, Pete Sturtevant, Phil Bradtke, John Engler, Jim Day, Dave Lockwood, x
7) Charlie Antobus, Dave Austgen, Don Carlin
8) Dick Yeager: thinking

1) Jack Gallagher Contemplating
2) Mike Regan Relaxes
3) Paul Berrettini
4) Leo Linbeck
5) Mike Regan, Paul Berrettini admire new Class Rings
6) Paul Berrettini leaves his imprint

1) Senator John Engler adjourns
2) TOM the Man of Badin Hall
3) Paul Berrettini's Berr office
4) Young Fr. Tom Brennan, CSC

Junior Year Campus Scenes 1954-55
1) May Flowers and the Dome
2) ND Publication's Irene Triplett
3) ND Public Relations: Jim Murphy and Staff
4) Mortal Sisters and blooms
5) Fatima Retreat House Opens
6) May Day at the grotto
7) Book Store going up

Junior Year Travels 1954-55
Chicago World Trade Conference
1) Jim Schuetz and Bob McGeary
2) Daniel McNamara and Bones Hammes
3) Joe Keenan and Bob McGeary (Prof. Herb Bott, background)
4) Jim Olin watches ND win at IOWA
5) Don Schaefer boots a field goal
6) Tom Bott and the current Mrs. Cathy Bott
7) ...with his folks in Danville, ILL
8) ...is needed at home too....

Senior Year 1955-56
Bill Copeland explains...
Carl Eigelsback and Don Sniegowski discuss...
Paul LaFreniere is ready... hi-jinx
Walsh Hall Dome Pic... line up here
Walsh Hall Dome Pic... line up there
Walsh Hall Dome Pic... awww nuts.

Dan Divane and Marge plan nuptials
Jack Gallagher, Ed Gilbert, John Engler share...
Walsh Hall -- with a wintry view
Walsh Hall -- with Domer view
John Cupper
Carl Eigelsbach
Chuck Conway

John Engler and Ed Gilbert rest
Jack Casey and Denny Powers aboard NY Central to MSU
Don Logar chows OC in Mishawaka.

Fr. John Walsh, CSC, Rector
John Manion - resting for the occasion
" Mother and Grandfather await the moment
Larry Wahl
Bill Shannon, Don Kershisnik, (?), Fr. Walsh, (?), Mason Sullivan, ?
Tom Kershisnik and the current Mrs. Maryjo Kershisnik
Bill Shannon

JOHN SMITH sends pictures taken in 1953-5 --from his attic in Covington, LA
John Smith, Jim Jolin in DIllon Hall, Junior year
John Smith, (?), Paul Berrettini, Bill Warren, John Nevin
Paul Berrittini, Pat Jones, Joe Kalbas, Bob Gulde, Dick Bartsch, (?), John Smith at Main Building in 1953
John Smith, Jack Donnelly, Ted Madden in Dillon Hall, 1955
Jack Mullin, John Smith, Joe Kalbas, Bill Weldon, Denny Ryan, Bob Powell in 1953


Jim Sasso sends these pictures
1) RALPH MARTERIE Orchestra played at the 1955 Senior Prom; but, having even more fun were ND56 waiters, including: Dave Granger, Jim Sasso, Bob Hilger, Mike VanHuffel, Bill Sullivan, Dick Lewis and Jack Leach..
2) Bill Lash relaxing at the Michigan Dunes
3) Dan Devine and Jim Hlavin outside of Farley Hall
4)Jack Leach learns to dig ditches - summer, '55
5) Jim Sasso and John Juerling at Mich. Dunes

More Jim Sasso pictures
1) John Battersby and Jim Sasso at the Dunes
2) Junior Prom: Jack Leach, Carl Rohloff, Bill Lash, Jim Sasso
3) Jim Sasso and John Massman arrange Student Chapter ASCE Conference at ND 10/54;
featuring engineering icon Steinman
4) Jim Sasso at the UN Headquarters Security Council in Vienna for the U.S. Dept. of Commerce: 1983
5) Farley Hall 201-206 Freshmen:
back: Jim Hlavin, Jim Sasso, Ralph Fickling (where is he NOW?)
front: Jose Reyes Samosa, Don Gothard, Gerry Ropers, Bill Schave, Jim Howe

Fr. Ted congratulates Ken Fromme

Spring of 1953
Don Maeder sends these three pictures taken in front of St. Edwards

1) Ken Fromme and Carl Meyer

2) front row, Carl Meyer and Ken Fromme
back row, Don Rieger, Don Maeder and Jack Landgraf
3) Carl Meyer, Ken Fromme and Don Maeder



It must have been the music that kept them going.


The ND Band
Jack Gueguen sends these three ND Band pictures

ND Concert Band Officers: Jack Gueguen of Lexington, MO, VP; Dick Kopituk, Linden, NJ, Secretary; Dick Meinert, ElDorado, AR Social Chair; George Murray, St. Joseph, MI, President.

PHIL TARDIO, Cornet Soloist from Canonsburg, PA
1955-6 Notre Dame Concert Band



DAVE DAVIN - in usual position
FisherHal'56 Bob McGoldrick, Jim Krebs, Dick "Roc" OConnor
FisherHal'56 Dave Davin, Roc O'Connor, Jack Dumas. Bob McGoldrick
Jim Krebs ROTC Review'54
Jim Krebs S. Raymond Kraemer, III Minn. Air Force Camp'55


Dick "Roc" O'Connor, Jim Krebs, Bill Boroczek LyonsHall

Bil Boroczek, Jack Dumas, Jim Krebs LyonsHall

9 pictures taken by Joe Cline at reunion 1971
Click on the picture to view all nine pictures.
Paul Noland, Don Moser
Bob Minck, Matt O'Connor, ???, Bernie Van Etten
John Deasy, John Raub, Bill Kearney, ???, Gene Brennan, ???Is that Tom Powers to the left of Brennan?
Marty Mullarkey, Dick Quillin
Frank Tighe, Peter Cannon, Pat Craddock, Ray Drexler
Tom Caplet, Jack "Moose" Patz, Tony Castorina
Matt O'Connor, Joe Cline, Bernie Van Etten
Bob Carrane, Mark Burns
Mark Burns, Jack Casey, Bob Minck, Tom Mullarkey


JIM FINNEGAN pulls this Classic from his files to share the days in the late '60s as the ND56 Classmates met for dinner quarterly in Chicago... at such venues at Johnny Lattners and Reno Masini's Restaurants... This photo was taken aboard the riverboat, SARI S

July 10th, 1968 - 1st Row: Bob Carrane, Father Mike Mooney, OFM, John Manion, John Engler, Don Carlin, John Fannon, Jim Finnegan, Bud Bechtold, and Tom Caplet (RIP).
2nd Row: Chuck Milligan, Bob Salvino, Jim Revord, Mal Burnett, Paul Nolan, Mark Burns, Webb Sexton (RIP), John Corbett (RIP) and Jack Casey (RIP).

Reunion '81 and '96 Photos from Jim Finnegan
Click on the picture to view all five full size pictures.
1) Reunion96 Basketballers56 vs. ND'61
2) Reunion'81 Mike Mulrooney Mike Kiley
3) Reunion'96 Mal Burnett Bud Bechtold Jim Finnegan
4) Reunion81 Marty Whelan Jim Ramm Bernie VanEtten Jim Finnegan Joe Yaeger
5) Reunion 96 Jim Finnegan Angelo Capozzi Reno Masini Al Parillo (?) (?)

Security in Peoria

JERRY HIGGINS sends this photo from Peoria... taken seven years ago as security was on high alert in Peoria, IL.
Robin is AKA Denny Powers